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Phal. Lian Her Happy Song J. Clancy.jpg


What is a seedling? So often people do not appreciate the difference between a seedling and a mericlone.

C. Mark Jones x Slc.Jungle Elf - J Harriman.jpg

Grounds for Divorce

No, I didn’t spend the week’s grocery money on an expensive orchid but there comes a time when almost every hobby orchid grower decides, “Enough is enough!” 

Cym. Australian Midnight.jpg

What Judges Look for on a Show Bench

The following notes are written mainly for novices and beginners who might be entering plants in a show for the first time.


Shoalhaven Orchid Society 65th Anniversary

The Shoalhaven Orchid Society celebrated its 60th birthday in 2016 and members have enjoyed a further five years of friendship and friendly competition since then.

Enc. cochleata S 150517.jpg

Scale, Ants and Mould

Scale insect is probably the biggest pest of cultivated orchids. There are many species of scale but Boisduval scale appears to be the most common. These sap suckers can severely deplete or even kill an orchid if there is a heavy infestation.


Orchid Care in Summer

Most orchid societies have a break over the summer period so there are some orchids that you rarely see on the benches because this is precisely the time that they come into bloom. 

Coel. Unchained Melody free pick 170820.

Orchid Care in Spring

Spring cleaning isn’t just for carpets and cupboards. Orchid collections benefit from regular clean ups as well.

Red Std.jpg

Orchid Care in Winter

As the weather cools down it is time to start preparing your plants for the winter season.

C. Fitz Eugene Dixon L. Gannon Open Pop

Orchid Collection in Autumn

In some respects, autumn is quite a busy time for the orchid hobbyist. 


Epi. Joseph's dream Colour 'Momo' x Self

Reedstem Epidendrums

Reedstem Epidendrums are a large group of plants whose cultivation dates back hundreds of years.

Oda. Golden Girl 'Paisley' x Yellow Hamm

Orchid Nomenclature

The conventions for naming orchids are set out in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature. 

Click on the following links to see recent club newsletters.

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